Early on Wednesday morning, a representative from Compassion International (the organization which Vicki sponsors Pilagie through) picked us up and we drove for three hours to get to Pilagie’s village. Stunning drive up, absolutely beautiful scenery. One tape played on repeat the whole time – so we heard a whole lot of Celine Dion, old school backstreet boys, KC and Jojo and some other equally old and cheesy music. Was fun at first – but by the time “All I have to give” came on for the 6th or 7th time it started getting a little annoying.
As soon as we pulled up to the Compassion office, a women started taking our picture on this old camera (bigger than the my red and white “fisher price” one – believe it or not). There was a big reception for us, and they told us all about the work that Compassion is doing in Pilagie’s village (there about 250 kids that are sponsored in the area). Then we met Pilagie, her parents, and her brothers and sisters. Her parents were adorable – so happy to be able to meet Vicki – and incredibly thankful. It was really one of the neatest experiences ever to see Vicki meet Pilagie, who she has been sponsoring and sending letters to for the past two years. I think Pilagie was a little scared at first – maybe because it was such a big ceremony and she was at the center of all of it, but started to open up once she got used to us. We played for a little while with her and her siblings – blew bubbles, played with some little balls that we got for them, and gave them some candy. Pilagie’s truly a beautiful girl – and I felt really honored to be able to be present and share this experience with Vicki. The drive home, neither Vicki or I really said a word. I stuck my head half out the window and soaked in the beauty of the country. I think part of me, knew that I was leaving soon so I wanted to remember and experience as much “Africa” as I could.
Our paparrazzi for the day:

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