Tom and I walking over the super sketchy bridge.

We were at the taxi park by about 7 am or so and found a mtatu - that left right away which is a rarity! Normally, they wait until they are completely full before they leave - which can take hours... So we were off - with a 3 or so hour journey ahead of us to Mbale. Many stops to pick and drop off people on the way and REALLY squishy - i think i counted 20 people (in a car that should fit 14). I enjoy mtatu rides though as you get to see a lot in terms of scenery, houses, etc. and also get to talk with people a bit along the way. Mid-journey we had to stop as we ran out of petrol - they pumped the gas tank with their hands a bit to get it started and then we proceeded to drive on both sides of the road in an S shape (I think to get gas into the engine - or whatever car part it needs to get into as I know absolutely nothing about mechanics). Anyways got to Mbale safe and sound - with very full bladders. Took a bit of a walk, and found where we needed to get our next mtatu (about another hour) up to Sippi Falls.
When we got to Sippi - we found a guide Tom who was hysterical. Really, really nice guy who kept telling us that he would do whatever we wanted so that we would leave happy. And kept talking about how much he liked touring, and how we are all the same. And how he wishes to start a business to sell black skin to tourists so that Ugandans don't automatically assume that mzungus are rich when they see you (or something like that?!!??). Anyways he was a good time - and was expert at finding little chameleons in the trees, and also showed us coffee trees and the plants they use at the "local toilet paper". Unfortunately we were in a bit of a time crunch and had only about 2 and half hours to see the falls. We saw what Tom said was the "most beautiful" falls - which were absolutely breathtaking. Got to walk behind the falls and kind of through them (on the side) - was absolutely incredible! Paradise! After that, it started raining a bit and so we had to go back as we wouldn't be able to get transport back and it would be to hard to climb if it was muddy so our already short climb - was cut to only about an hour.
From Sippi - Tom hooked us up with a ride back to Mbale riding "African Style" in the back of a car (squished in the trunk with one other Ugandan guy). Not that fun. Got back to Mbale and made our way to the taxi park for another long mtatu ride. Nothing to eventful on the ride back - except a chicken was under our seat. Also the conductor (the guy who takes the money) got in a fight kind of with some guy that didn't have enough money to pay for the trip. Made it back safely, long long day (8 hours of driving for about an hour and a bit to see the falls themselves).
This morning went to TASO, and also interviewed one of hte counsellors at the AIDS Information Center which is one of the main voluntary testing and counseling centers in town. It's crazy how quickly time passes. Just a week and half in Jinja, then Vicki and I are off to Rwanda. Wow, doesn't seem like it has been that long. And feels like i could easily stay another 2 or 3 months. Oh, the lady who runs the guest house didn't pay the water bill. So we have been low on water the past little while and weren't supposed to shower - so i smell and look really pretty as it's now Monday and I haven't showered since Thursday. mmmm.... awesome. Vicki and I had a conversation about this morning and realized that the majority of the people here don't have running water ever. kind of embarrassing to be complaining about it.
I'll add pictures later - this computer won't recognize my camera for some reason. Anyways lots of love and thanks again for all the messages of support!
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