
January = lots of running around!

I thought I would post a message letting everyone know about the progress of my trip preparations! Everything is beginning to fit together: flight is booked, new passport arrived, travel immunizations booked, and I also sent out fundraising letters to help defray some of the costs of the trip. I have been in contact with Ryan, who manages GIVE International, the NGO I am travelling with. He let me know that there will be another girl around my age from Queen's University who will be staying in Uganda at the same time. I was super excited and also semi relieved (as were my mom and dad I think ;) ). Things are going great and I am getting really really excited about the trip! School is keeping me pretty busy with 6 classes this term (and my part-time job) but I am really enjoying my classes.

I am currently in the process of trying to get ethics approval from the university that will enable me to do a study to appraise the factors involved in getting tested for HIV at the clinic where I will be volunteering in Uganda. I will more than likely working alongside one of the counselors at the clinic and will have them to help guide me in this process. I can't wait!!!! I am also in the process of applying for a couple of travel scholarships with the unviersity, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has sent donations to help fundraise for this trip! I am so grateful to see that so many people are behind me and supportive! I think my easiest way of keeping in touch with everyone will be via this blog - as I am not sure how much time I will have for internet access - but I will let you all know the closer it gets to the trip. Well thats all for now! I'll keep you updated on anything new as it comes up! Cheers, and thanks again. leslie.

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